Ankhou Graphic Design

Web development, graphic design, and photography by Ian Houghton, based in Revelstoke, BC.

spilt COFEE

0 Comments | posted 8/11/09

While knowledge of the existence of Microsoft COFEE may not be news to anyone who spends time on the internet, the fact that it’s now in the wild might be. Briefly, COFEE is a piece of software designed to make computer forensics simple for uneducated users. Anyone with a device (such as a USB key) […]

sIFR: easier than you might think

2 Comments | posted 13/09/09

I added sIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) titles to the site a couple of weeks ago. I was going to write about it at the time, but it’s been a busy time for university. Some seat-of-the-pants essays were submitted. sIFR is a way to dynamically replace small blocks of text on your website using JavaScript […]

using WordPress custom fields

0 Comments | posted 19/08/09

I recently coded a feature into my blog that automatically displays post thumbnails using the custom fields capability in WordPress. It turned out to be a lot simpler than I thought, and although my initial method was a little clumsy, I’ve streamlined it using a few pointers from this Tutorial9 article. Custom fields are a […]

stop WordPress inserting paragraph tags

4 Comments | posted 1/08/09

I came across an IE display issue with my portfolio recently where the divs of the individual projects were ‘staircased’ down the page, with a whitespace break of about half the height of the div between the top of the previous project and the top of the next one. It was irritating, and I couldn’t […]