Ankhou Graphic Design

Web development, graphic design, and photography by Ian Houghton, based in Revelstoke, BC.

on paranoia (& vector logos)

1 Comment | posted 5/08/09

paranoia Avarine posted a couple of websites on Twitter tonight that not only slightly disturbed me, but got me thinking about why they slightly disturbed me, and realising that I didn’t have a solid foundation for being disturbed. The sites in question are Spock and PeekYou, and they’re both social networking sites of a kind. […]

stop WordPress inserting paragraph tags

4 Comments | posted 1/08/09

I came across an IE display issue with my portfolio recently where the divs of the individual projects were ‘staircased’ down the page, with a whitespace break of about half the height of the div between the top of the previous project and the top of the next one. It was irritating, and I couldn’t […]