Ankhou Graphic Design

Web development, graphic design, and photography by Ian Houghton, based in Revelstoke, BC.

Vancouver Celebration of Light 2010

3 Comments | posted 5/08/10

Over the last two weeks Vancouver has been in the grips of the Celebration of Light, an annual fireworks festival. The festival is in a competition format, and several countries compete for the best fireworks display. Not very environmentally-friendly, but pretty spectacular. We managed to catch all four shows from the USA, Spain, Mexico and […]

Orb-Weaver photographs

1 Comment | posted 4/07/10

A couple of months ago I discovered a huge Orb-Weaving spider web spanning a couple of our verandah posts. The ~4-5cm spider was sitting in the middle of it, binding some insects it had recently caught. It was evening and the sun was setting behind the web, so I tried to get a few good […]

Beautiful Tasmanian timber ruler

6 Comments | posted 9/06/10

A ruler surfaced recently while clearing out the house. I don’t know where it came from or when we obtained it, but I think it’s beautiful. It’s a little scratched, but the colours are still lovely. The separating strip of wood in the centre is polished, and has a beautiful sheen to it that the […]

earthquake in adelaide

7 Comments | posted 17/04/10

At approximately 23:40 on the 16th of April, Adelaide experienced a small earth tremor. It was my first! Fortunately there are no collapsed buildings that I know of, but unfortunately I can’t show any media to prove it happened. Twitter is abuzz though – within 3 minutes of the tremor, there were more than 300 […]

TEXTp on YouTube

0 Comments | posted 1/04/10

There’s a great April Fool’s gag up on YouTube right now. We’ve seen 720p and 1080p, but we’ve never seen TEXTp before. A new revolution in low-bandwidth streaming technology! Check it out here or take a look at the embedded video below.