Ankhou Graphic Design

Web development, graphic design, and photography by Ian Houghton, based in Revelstoke, BC.

field studies: music project

0 Comments | posted 3/04/10

I’m in a three-piece band, and we’d like to make it a four-piece. We have guitar, bass and drums, but we desperately need a singer to make us whole and get us through the long winter. If there’s anyone from Adelaide reading this who’s interested, check out the Field Studies MySpace here, and contact us […]

new layout online

0 Comments | posted 9/03/10

The new layout is now officially online. The portfolio sub-pages aren’t functional yet, but I’ll get to them over the next couple of days. Let me know if there are any glaring bugs that I’ve missed while testing! Known bugs Gallery does not currently function in Chrome, Opera or Safari, appears to be an issue […]

new layout

0 Comments | posted 8/03/10

I’m very close to rolling out my new website layout – it should be within the next couple of days after I’ve worked out the last few bugs. Here’s a sneak peek of what to expect on the home page. I’m also adding a new feature to the blog: a ‘featured post’ section that will […]


1 Comment | posted 11/12/09

I’ve had one newspaper article published in the Adelaide Hills Courier, an interview with Geoff Balkman’s Elecdrawnic, and another article in the Adelaide Weekender coming up as a result of my win in the TJ Schiller ski design competition. You can also check out some of the other winning designs which have now been uploaded […]

TJ Schiller ski design win

6 Comments | posted 26/11/09

I’m really stoked right now because I just found out that my design has been picked by TJ Schiller to be featured on his next season’s CoreUPT pro model. A big thanks to TJ and his crew for running the contest, and congratulations to the runners-up, Daichi Ishikawa and Joseph Toney, looks like you guys’ll […]