Ankhou Graphic Design

Web development, graphic design, and photography by Ian Houghton, based in Revelstoke, BC.


1 Comment | posted 11/12/09

I’ve had one newspaper article published in the Adelaide Hills Courier, an interview with Geoff Balkman’s Elecdrawnic, and another article in the Adelaide Weekender coming up as a result of my win in the TJ Schiller ski design competition. You can also check out some of the other winning designs which have now been uploaded […]

a new On Dit at Adelaide Uni

4 Comments | posted 31/08/09

I’ve been a student at Adelaide University on and off for the last 5 years. During this time, I’ve been consistently underwhelmed by the quality of imagery, editing and design that has gone into our local student magazine, On Dit. While there have been some exceptions, and the content has occasionally been fresh and interesting, […]