Ankhou Graphic Design

Web development, graphic design, and photography by Ian Houghton, based in Revelstoke, BC.

ski designs

1 Comment | posted 7/11/09

I’ve entered a competition being run at TJ Schiller’s website. For those of you who don’t know, TJ’s a pro skier who rides for CoreUPT. I’ve embedded one of my favourite segments featuring his skiing from Seven Sunny Days by Matchstick Productions at the bottom of this post.

I’ve added high-resolution copies of my entries to my portfolio, which you can view here (entry 1) and here (entry 2). Here’s a low-res preview:

threadless t-shirt design up for scoring

0 Comments | posted 9/10/09

My t-shirt design is now up for scoring, please click through and vote ‘5’ and ‘I’d wear it’ to help me out (if you like it).

Mecha Samurai Robo Bear - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

ankhou creative logo featured on

2 Comments | posted 5/10/09

This is a little bit of a self-promotional post, but I was quite pleased to be contacted recently by David Pache of asking to feature my logo, among others, in an article entitled 100 Brands of Interest (the third in a series). It’s very flattering to be including alongside so many other talented designers.

The article can be viewed here.

threadless submission

2 Comments | posted 1/10/09

I’ve submitted the illustration to Threadless in an attempt to get it printed. If you’d like a copy of the shirt, or just want to help me out, take a look. I’ll be posting another entry when scoring opens. Cheers!

Score this design: “Mecha Samurai Robo Bear,” to help it get printed on Threadless!

character illustration

0 Comments | posted 28/09/09

This was an attempt at drawing an original character without reference images. I don’t know about ‘original’, but I managed to keep the referencing purely to looking up the Kanji character for ‘death’ (which my friend informs me is actually ‘dead’ – this reflects my knowledge of the Japanese language).

Thanks to Avarine for mentioning its similarity to a propaganda poster and giving me inspiration to finish the piece.

Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Free paper texture taken from Zen Textures. The original is A2 sized, so if you’d like a print, shoot me an email and I’ll see what I can do.