It’s been a long winter with a lot of snow and great skiing, which, while it may not excuse my lack of updates on this blog, certainly explains it.
I’ve been working solidly over the past four months for a variety of clients. While much of the work is still confidential at this point, I’ve had some fun designing a number of posters for some events over the winter.
Ourhabit, run by Joey Norsworthy, has organised and sponsored a series of three rail jams in town at the Big Eddy Pub during the last three months. I’ve produced the posters for the jams, as well as a poster for a charity event organised by Brittany Clark, supporting breast cancer awareness and research. You can check out the posters below. They were an interesting exercise in cramming in as much essential information as I was instructed to fit (apart from the video premier poster), while still maintaining readability and making the final product eye-catching.
You can view the posters in my portfolio or read on to check them out.