Ankhou Graphic Design

Web development, graphic design, and photography by Ian Houghton, based in Revelstoke, BC.

Melbourne trip & the Yarra Valley photos

2 Comments | posted 18/04/10

Bit of a temporary diversion from the SE Asia photos for the moment. There’ll be more later. I took a week-long trip to Melbourne two weeks ago to visit my girlfriend, V, over the mid-semester break. I had a really good time catching up with some friends while I was over there, and found out […]

SE Asia: Pai

0 Comments | posted 8/04/10

Time for a photo update! This lot is from Pai, Northern Thailand. Cheap scooters, warm weather, cool rivers and good times. This was the view from our guest house in Pai in the evening

SE Asia: Nakhon Sawan

2 Comments | posted 27/03/10

Hooray! I’ve managed to stick to my promise of getting photos up in better time. Hope you enjoy browsing these ones. I’m finding it more and more difficult to select specific photos, so I’m sticking to one destination per post at the moment. These photos are from Nakhon Sawan, a city three hours North of […]

watercolours from Ko Tao

0 Comments | posted 24/03/10

While I was on Ko Tao, a tropical island in the South of Thailand, I took some time to have a go with a pocket watercolour set I received for Christmas. It was a lovely and thoughtful present, and I’ve had a lot of fun with it so far. These are the first watercolours I’ve […]

SE Asia: Kuala Lumpur

0 Comments | posted 24/03/10

Sorry about the delay in getting this post up, but university and work have conspired to reduce my free time to nil. This series of photos is from the 3 days that V and I spent in Kuala Lumpur on the way back to Australia. Flight into Kuala Lumpur