Ankhou Graphic Design

Web development, graphic design, and photography by Ian Houghton, based in Revelstoke, BC.

SE Asia: Sukhothai

0 Comments | posted 26/06/10

Just a short photo post this time. I’ve sorted through the photos I took of Sukhothai, which we visited in early January prior to our friends’ wedding as part of a tour of the area around Nakhon Sawan. Apparently Sukhothai was once Thailand’s capital. The drive there was long, and delayed for two hours at […]

SE Asia: Siem Reap & Vientiane

0 Comments | posted 20/05/10

Siem Reap It’s been less than a week and I’ve actually found the time to get some more photos up, who would’ve thought? I’ve combined two locations into one here because there weren’t enough high-quality photos from either one to make the post a decent size. The first set of photos are from Siem Reap […]

SE Asia: Phnom Penh

2 Comments | posted 14/05/10

It’s been a hectic few weeks with uni and work, but I’ve finally found the time to put up some more photos. These ones are from our trip to Phnom Penh in Cambodia. We flew in from Bangkok after coming back from Pai in the North, so the immediate poverty we saw after landing was […]

Melbourne trip & the Yarra Valley photos

2 Comments | posted 18/04/10

Bit of a temporary diversion from the SE Asia photos for the moment. There’ll be more later. I took a week-long trip to Melbourne two weeks ago to visit my girlfriend, V, over the mid-semester break. I had a really good time catching up with some friends while I was over there, and found out […]

SE Asia: Pai

0 Comments | posted 8/04/10

Time for a photo update! This lot is from Pai, Northern Thailand. Cheap scooters, warm weather, cool rivers and good times. This was the view from our guest house in Pai in the evening